Southdale Bible Chapel | Song View | He is Lord(OS023)(CS069).pro

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He is Lord(OS023)(CS069).pro
Orig Key: A | New Key:

Title: He is Lord(OS023)(CS069)

Subtitle: Key=Ab

G      Am    D          G
He is Lord, He is Lord. 
         Em                A7
He has risen from the dead 
And He is Lord.
            G         G7
Every knee shall bow, 
             C       Am
Every tongue confess 
        G       D         G
That Jesus Christ is Lord 
G         Am    D           G
You are Lord, You are Lord. 
              Em             A7
You have risen from the dead 
And You are Lord.
           G          G7
Every knee shall bow, 
            C        Am
Every tongue confess 
        G       D         G
That Jesus Christ is Lord 
G           Am    D         G
He's my Lord, He's my Lord. 
              Em           A7
He has risen from the dead 
And He's my Lord.
            G          G7
Yes my knee shall bow, 
           C          Am
Yes my tongue confess 
        G       D         G
That Jesus Christ is Lord 

Key: A